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News Update


Following the successful launch of Quiksilver Holiday Apartments in Byron Bay, NSW, we're proud to announce plans to develop new Quiksilver Deep-Sea Holiday Accommodation, to be constructed 20 metres below sea level in Torquay, VIC we're Quiksilver was orginated.
Specially designed to provide the ultimate preview of the sea bed and marine life, the new accommodation will be available to guests by December 2012. The all-inclusive hotel will allow guests to be completely shut-off from the outside world while enjoying the marvels of deep-sea life through transparent walls and ceilings.
The new accommodation will also provide easy access to one of Australia's greatest surfing destinations through a waterproofed tunnel leading back up to the surface. Surfing enthusiasts can literally live and sleep under the sea and will never have a reason to get out of the surf again!
Inspired by our existing holiday apartments in Byron Bay, the new Deep-Sea Holiday Accommodation will feature interiors styled on the brand's 40 year design